
Affordable Costa Rican furniture

Did you say affordable furniture in Costa Rica? I hear you, tell me more. Well, it´s easy. Most of the furniture condo owners on the beach like  tropical furniture, this means that a lot of rattan and fiber furniture which is usually imported from South East Asia.
Costa Rica furniture is known by woodcraft. A lot of people who know the traditional Costa Rican furniture immediately associates this concept to redwood and sometimes bulky designed pieces. But that has changed and given way to different  designs that mix wood with fabrics or other materials like leather and also a variety of wood tones. In other words, the traditional Costa Rican look doesn´t have to be the only option when thinking about Costa Rica furniture.
The good news is that all this wood furniture is made with reforested woods, locally grown and locally manufactured with warranty and in the given case that you wanted to add pieces to your set, you could find exactly the same with the suppliers.
But that is not all, the price is actually the good news because this furniture does not pay the import taxes that most furniture does, which ranges anywhere from 30% to 50% .  Linked to this is the fact that you can create a nice furniture package for a two bedroom condo under  $9,000 and you know that  you can count on durable furniture that will hold up to renters and visitors because it is made with high quality wood, produced under environmental standards that make this furniture the most eco-friendly option in the Central American region.
If you want to have more information about  Costa Rican furniture visit  http://www.pacifichomefurnishing.com/

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